iRCDG邀你连线:借助生成式 AI 为知识型员工赋能(送门票)



每个人都知道生成式人工智能将改变世界,但很少有人能解释如何改变。System in Motion 相信,生成式人工智能是工作的未来。我们的主旨演讲解释了它如何能够增强知识型员工的能力,并改变公司的运营方式。它有可能彻底改变我们的工作方式,使我们更有效率、生产力和创造力。


数治产研共同体iRCDG 邀你进入一个数据为决策、创新和增长提供信息的时代,我们与全球许多不同类型的产研组织和导师合作,通过技术、文化和交流的结合,更好地调整和不断改进产业和研究的发展和运作。现在就来一起连线,和产研导师相约学习研讨、评估咨询、需求开发以及成果转化等。

iRCDG 2024 数治产研连线联合邀请 System in Motion 首席执行官斯蒂芬·蒙萨利埃分享“借助生成式 AI 为知识型员工赋能”,此次活动特别送出10张现场门票(每张价值¥128,全程英语),数量有限,先集先得。马上参与:

  • 扫码添加老邪企业微信,锁定入场名额;
  • 在朋友圈转发本文或下方电子门票;
  • 集齐8个点赞,截屏发回即可兑换一张!

Everybody knows that GenAI will change the world, very few can explain how.Our keynote explains how it can empower knowledge workers and transform the way companies operate. At System in Motion, we believe that Generative AI is the future of work. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, making us more efficient, productive, and creative.

The Generative AI Value Stack is a framework that helps us understand the different layers of value that Generative AI can bring to an organization. You can empower your colleagues to do their jobs more effectively.


借助生成式 AI

System in Motion 首席执行官

18点30分 – 21点

Empowering Knowledge Workers
with Generative AI

Stephane Monsallier
CEO, System in Motion

on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
from 18:30 to 21:00





18 :30-19: 00 – 签到
19 :00-19: 30 – 社交
19 :30-20: 30 – 嘉宾演讲介绍,问答环节
20 :30-21: 00 – 社交


葡萄酒、啤酒、软饮和小吃。报名请在 Yoopay 上注册,请点击,也可以扫描海报上的二维码。

Event Venue

PTL Group

Room 301, 798 Zhaojiabang Road, Xuhui District
close to Zhaojiabang Road station, lines 7 & 9, exit 2


18:30-19:00 – Check-in
19:00-19:30 – Networking
19:30-20:30 – Speaker presentation, Q&A
20:30-21:00 – Networking

The ticket includes

Wine, beer, soft and some snacks. To register on Yoopay, CLICK:, or scan the QR Code in the flyer.


System in Motion

10岁开始编程的技术专家,毕业于巴黎中央理工-高等电力学院后,在上海成立一家技术咨询公司System in Motion。他是上海创业界颇具影响力的人物,在Orbit Ventures担任导师,为初创企业提供咨询,发起EO加速器项目,并联合创立La French Tech Shanghai。目前专注于生成人工智能,他的专业知识和雄辩的主题演讲使他成为广受欢迎的演讲者和导师。

About our Guest Speaker

Stephane Monsallier
System In Motion

Technology expert who began coding at 10, founded Shanghai-based technology consulting firm System in Motion after graduating from CentraleSupelec. An influential figure in Shanghai’s entrepreneurial community, he mentors at Orbit Ventures, advises startups, launched the EO Accelerator program, and co-founded La French Tech Shanghai. Currently focused on Generative AI, his expertise and eloquent keynotes make him a sought-after speaker and mentor.



Our Venue

PTL Group provides international companies with operational and managerial support throughout the various stages of their China market entry and growth. PTL Group’s wide range of professional services include financial services, HR management, logistics, supply chain management, trading, and marketing services.


Atelier Fusari的创始人Ben Fusari被称为“时尚医生”,他对卓越的剪裁和个性化风格的热情得到了体现。Ben在融合法国设计和意大利面料方面的专业知识,创造出的西装不仅仅是服装,而是个人风格和成熟度的反映。他对质量和细节的承诺体现在每一件作品中,提供定制体验,迎合每个客户的独特需求和喜好。Ben的愿景不只是提供一套西装,而是一种增强个人风格和自信的体验。通过我们的社交媒体渠道了解更多关于Atelier Fusari的理念和产品。

Crush Wine Bistro ,于 2021 年在陕西北路 819 号成立,提供创新的美式美食融合。由葡萄酒行业资深人士Elliott和主厨Dylan共同创立,他们共同的热情相信食物和葡萄酒之间的完美和谐在每一道菜中闪耀。Crush Wine Bistro 餐厅对细节一丝不苟,提供独一无二的烹饪体验,并辅以精心挑选的葡萄酒。

Crush Wine 认为葡萄酒不仅仅是一种饮料,它还是一种生活方式。Elliott精心挑选葡萄酒,从80元人民币到来自世界各地的高端选择。这使客户能够定制他们的葡萄酒选择,以适应任何场合。通过Crush Wine Mini App,人们可以享受专为自己的风格打造的个性化葡萄酒选择。无论是在一个特殊的场合赠送礼物,举办聚会,还是在忙碌了一天后放松身心, Crush Wine 都能同时满足所有人的口味。

Brander Urstoff 将德国酿造技术与最好的进口原料和最纯净的中国水相结合,创造出以新鲜闻名的手工啤酒。

Wartburg and Suki 是从欧洲和美国进口的优质乳制品品牌。他们有超过25年的历史。无论是在线商店还是线下商店,都可以买到。

Our Sponsors

Atelier Fusari, founded by Ben Fusari, knowns as the “Fashion Doctor”, reflects his passion for exceptional tailoring and personalized style. Ben’s expertise in blending French design and Italian fabrics creates suits that are not just garments but reflections of individual style and sophistication. His commitment to quality and detail is evident in every piece, offering a bespoke experience that caters to the unique needs and preferences of each client. Ben’s vision is to provide not just a suit, but an experience that enhances your personal style and confidence. Discover more about Atelier Fusari’s philosophy and offerings on our social media channels.

Crush Wine Bistro, established in 2021 at 819 Shanxi North Road, serves an innovative fusion of American cuisine. Founded by Elliott, a wine industry veteran, and Chef Dylan, their shared passion for believing in the perfect harmony between food and wine shines through in every dish. With meticulous attention to detail, Crush Wine Bistro offers a culinary experience like no other, complemented by a carefully curated wine selection.

Crush Wine sees wine more than just a drink—it’s a lifestyle. Elliott carefully chooses wines ranging from 80 RMB to high-end selections from around the world. This allows customers to tailor their wine choices to fit any occasion. With the Crush Wine Mini App, people can enjoy a personalised wine selection crafted just for their style. Whether gifting for a special occasion, hosting a gathering or unwinding after a busy day, Crush Wine has something to suit every taste everywhere at once.

Brander Urstoff incorporates German brewing techniques with best-imported ingredients and the purest Chinese water to create handcrafted brews that have been renowned for their freshness.

Wartburg and Suki is high quality dairy brand imported from Europe and USA. They have over 25 years history. They can be purchased from online and offline stores.