通过查阅Sam Altman的博客、访谈及社交媒体,发现他是一个心思非常细腻的人,爱独立思考,经常喜欢写“小作文”和发推,分享自己对前沿技术(AI)的看法、预测、进展以及对创业的感悟及对初创公司的建议等。
Sam Altman直观的博客目录
有关ChatGPT和Sam Altman不作过多介绍,在这里只提两个点:
① 他是一个80后(1985),犹太人,也是一位斯坦福的辍学生;
② 他是美国著名创业孵化器Y Combinator前总裁,YC是世界上最大、最具影响力的孵化器之一,孕育了Airbnb、Stripe、Reddit、Dropbox等众多科技初创企业。
在Sam Altman和Geoff Ralston的领导期间,YC经历了一段快速扩张的时期,它不仅扩大了影响力,还在科技生态系统中声名鹊起。所以Sam Altman此前也经常访谈一些成功创业者如扎克伯格、马斯克等等,以给一些初创企业一些思考和借鉴。
所以不要以为ChatGPT是什么“横空出世”的产品,是石头缝里蹦出来的“孙悟空”。革命性产品的诞生是循序渐进的,是日积月累的,是遵循科学流程的。在OpenAI之前,Sam Altman已经是圈子里风生水起的人物了,是不折不扣的连续创业者和投资人。
下面小编跟大家精选了30条Sam Altman在人工智能和创业领域的思考,或许能让你得到启发:
01 关于人工智能
To the three great technological revolutions–the agricultural, the industrial, and the computational–we will add a fourth: the AI revolution. This revolution will generate enough wealth for everyone to have what they need, if we as a society manage it responsibly.
02 关于领导力
one of the greatest skills of a leader is the ability to calm others in a storm.
03 对未来的思考
My work at OpenAI reminds me every day about the magnitude of the socioeconomic change that is coming sooner than most people believe. Software that can think and learn will do more and more of the work that people now do. Even more power will shift from labor to capital. If public policy doesn’t adapt accordingly, most people will end up worse off than they are today.
我在 OpenAI 的工作每天都在提醒着我,社会经济变化的严重程度比大多数人认为的要早。那些能够思考和学习的软件将会承担更多人类目前所从事的工作。随着越来越多的力量从劳动力向资本转移,如果公共政策不能相应地调整,那么大多数人的境况将比今天更糟。
04 关于初创企业
Giving equity to employees is perhaps the key element to making startups work. it’s amazing to me that some countries make this so hard (sometimes totally economically impractical) and then wonder why they don’t have more successful startups.
05 评马斯克
one of the best things about elon is a reminder of just how much one person can do.
06 AI对经济
I think AI is going to be the greatest force for economic empowerment and a lot of people getting rich we have ever seen.
07 AI的影响力
If you think that you understand the impact of AI, you do not understand, and have yet to be instructed further. if you know that you do not understand, then you truly understand.
08 关于创意和执行力
Great execution is at least 10 times more important and a 100 times harder than a good idea. Great execution towards a terrible idea will get you nowhere.
09 关于AI替代
A decade ago, the conventional wisdom was that AI would first impact physical labor, and then cognitive labor, and then maybe someday it could do creative work. It now looks like it’s going to go in the opposite order.
10 关于独立思考
Entrepreneurship is very difficult to teach because original thinking is very difficult to teach. School is not set up to teach this—in fact, it generally rewards the opposite. So you have to cultivate it on your own. Thinking from first principles and trying to generate new ideas is fun, and finding people to exchange them with is a great way to get better at this. The next step is to find easy, fast ways to test these ideas in the real world. “I will fail many times, and I will be really right once” is the entrepreneurs’ way. You have to give yourself a lot of chances to get lucky. One of the most powerful lessons to learn is that you can figure out what to do in situations that seem to have no solution. The more times you do this, the more you will believe it. Grit comes from learning you can get back up after you get knocked down.
11 聊专注的力量
Focus is a force multiplier on work. Almost everyone I’ve ever met would be well-served by spending more time thinking about what to focus on. It is much more important to work on the right thing than it is to work many hours. Most people waste most of their time on stuff that doesn’t matter. Once you have figured out what to do, be unstoppable about getting your small handful of priorities accomplished quickly. I have yet to meet a slow-moving person who is very successful.
12 关于致富
The biggest economic misunderstanding of my childhood was that people got rich from high salaries. Though there are some exceptions—entertainers for example —almost no one in the history of the Forbes list has gotten there with a salary. You get truly rich by owning things that increase rapidly in value. This can be a piece of a business, real estate, natural resource, intellectual property, or other similar things. But somehow or other, you need to own equity in something, instead of just selling your time. Time only scales linearly. The best way to make things that increase rapidly in value is by making things people want at scale.
13 谈大学教育
Colleges prioritized making people feel perfectly safe over everything else and produced a generation afraid to fail, and thus afraid to take risk, and thus on pace to accomplish extremely little。
14 关于AI竞争
I’m confident in a future where there are a variety of AI systems. So, competing with Google or other competitors is a natural event. I reckon we’ll thrive in a competitive setting.
15 评价ChatGPT
ChatGPT is like an e-bike for the mind。ChatGPT is incredibly limited, but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness. it’s a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now. it’s a preview of progress; we have lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness.
16 对教育的影响
People have long been integrating new technologies into their lives — and into the classroom —and that those technologies will only generate more positive impact for users down the line.”Generative text is something we all need to adapt to,” he said. “We adapted to calculators and changed what we tested for in math class, I imagine. This is a more extreme version of that, no doubt, but also the benefits of it are more extreme, as well.” the world must adapt to generative AI and that technology will improve over time to prevent unintended consequences.It’s an evolving world,We’ll all adapt, and I think be better off for it. And we won’t want to go back.
17 用AI学习
I have used it to learn things myself and found it much more compelling than other ways I’ve learned things in the past,I would much rather have ChatGPT teach me about something than go read a textbook.
我自己用它来学习东西,发现它比我过去学习的其他方式更有吸引力,我宁愿让 ChatGPT 教我一些东西而不是去读教科书。
18 对搜索的影响
I think whenever someone talks about a technology being the end of some other giant company, it’s usually wrong. I think people forget they get to make a countermove here, and they’re like pretty smart, pretty competent. I do think there’s a change for search that will probably come at some point — but not as dramatically as people think in the short term.
19 谈未来趋势
This technological revolution is unstoppable. And a recursive loop of innovation, as these smart machines themselves help us make smarter machines, will accelerate the revolution’s pace. Three crucial consequences follow:
1、This revolution will create phenomenal wealth. The price of many kinds of labor (which drives the costs of goods and services) will fall toward zero once sufficiently powerful AI “joins the workforce.”
2、The world will change so rapidly and drastically that an equally drastic change in policy will be needed to distribute this wealth and enable more people to pursue the life they want.
3、If we get both of these right, we can improve the standard of living for people more than we ever have before.
1. 这场革命将创造惊人的财富。一旦有足够强大的人工智能「加入劳动大军」,很多种劳动力的价格(驱动商品和服务的成本)将逐渐归零。
2. 世界将发生翻天覆地的变化,因此我们需要同样颠覆性的政策变化来分配财富,从而使更多的人可以追求自己想要的生活。
3. 如果我们把这两方面的工作做好了,就能将人类的生活水平提高到前所未有的状态。
20 谈经济
A stable economic system requires two components: growth and inclusivity.
Economic growth matters because most people want their lives to improve every year. In a zero-sum world, one with no or very little growth, democracy can become antagonistic as people seek to vote money away from each other. What follows from that antagonism is distrust and polarization. In a high-growth world the dogfights can be far fewer, because it’s much easier for everyone to win.
Economic inclusivity means everyone having a reasonable opportunity to get the resources they need to live the life they want. Economic inclusivity matters because it’s fair, produces a stable society, and can create the largest slices of pie for the most people. As a side benefit, it produces more growth.
21 谈AI革命
The technological progress we make in the next 100 years will be far larger than all we’ve made since we first controlled fire and invented the wheel. We have already built AI systems that can learn and do useful things. They are still primitive, but the trendlines are clear.
22 谈工作效率
Compound growth gets discussed as a financial concept, but it works in careers as well, and it is magic. A small productivity gain, compounded over 50 years, is worth a lot. So it’s worth figuring out how to optimize productivity. If you get 10% more done and 1% better every day compared to someone else, the compounded difference is massive.
23 5年后的变化
2023: $30,000 to get a simple iPhone app created, $300 for a plumbing job. i wonder what those relative prices will look like in 2028! the likely coming divergence between changes to cognitive work and changes to physical work could be quite dramatic.
在2023 年:用30,000 美元用于创建一个简单的 iPhone 应用程序,300 美元用于管道工程。我想知道这些相对价格在 2028 年会是什么样子!认知工作的变化和体力工作的变化之间即将出现的差异,可能会非常显著。
24 足够坚定
A big secret is that you can bend the world to your will a surprising percentage of the time—most people don’t even try, and just accept that things are the way that they are.People have an enormous capacity to make things happen. A combination of self-doubt, giving up too early, and not pushing hard enough prevents most people from ever reaching anywhere near their potential.
To be willful, you have to be optimistic—hopefully this is a personality trait that can be improved with practice. I have never met a very successful pessimistic person.
25 关于内驱力
Most people are primarily externally driven; they do what they do because they want to impress other people. This is bad for many reasons, but here are two important ones.
First, you will work on consensus ideas and on consensus career tracks. You will care a lot—much more than you realize—if other people think you’re doing the right thing. This will probably prevent you from doing truly interesting work, and even if you do, someone else would have done it anyway. Second, you will usually get risk calculations wrong. You’ll be very focused on keeping up with other people and not falling behind in competitive games, even in the short term.
The most successful people I know are primarily internally driven; they do what they do to impress themselves and because they feel compelled to make something happen in the world. After you’ve made enough money to buy whatever you want and gotten enough social status that it stops being fun to get more, this is the only force I know of that will continue to drive you to higher levels of performance.
26 社会成本结构重塑
I think AI is gonna just seep In everywhere.my basic model of the next decade is that the marginal cost of inteligence and the marginal cost of energy are going to trend rapidly towards zero,like surprisingly far.And those I think are two of the major inputs into the cost of everything else except the cost of things we want to be expensive, the status goods whatever.when like the whole cost structure of society change which happened many times before.
27 关于白领替代
My belief is that all repetitive human work that doesn’t require the deep emotional connection between two people that will all be done in the next couple of decades better、cheaper and faster by AI. And that is somehow left out of the conversation.It’s always about factory robots and self-driving cars.But what they dont talk about is all of the white-collar work that AI is going to do.
28 坚持硬核
OpenAI from a cold start a few years ago has managed to do the thing that i think is going to be incredibly important to the next many decades at least of society and how we all live our lives and what we do and what’s possible. I have tried to hold myself to the stuff i really love which tends to be like the hard tech、years R&D、capital intensive or like sort of risky art like risky research and then. But if it works,it really works.
29 关于AI规则
One of the things we really believe is that the most responsible way to put this out in society is very gradually and to get people, institutions, policy makers, get them familiar with it, thinking about the implications, feeling the technology, and getting a sense for what it can do and can’t do very early. Rather than drop a super powerful AGI in the world all at once.
30 聊人生感悟
Don’t chase status. Status without substance doesn’t work for long and is unfulfilling. Do new things often. This seems to be really important. Not only does doing new things seem to slow down the perception of time, increase happiness, and keep life interesting, but it seems to prevent people from calcifying in the ways that they think. Aim to do something big, new, and risky every year in your personal and professional life.
Don’t judge other people too quickly. You never know their whole story and why they did or didn’t do something. Be empathetic. The days are long but the decades are short.